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Thegoodpeople – a very international company!

Within a few months we will reach our 5th year anniversary. A fantastic moment for both the founders and the good people who help us with the projects. Even if some of the good people has moved on to new challenges we keep good contact with all of them and they are constantly with us in one way or the other. We feel confident that this is a good way of working.

Our company is registered in a small municipality called Staffanstorp just outside of Malmö, Sweden. Our office is as central as can be on Adelgatan just between the central station and Stortorget – the Grand Place of Malmö, but it is still in a very small city compared to the rest of the world. With this is mind it is quite amazing to conclude that by the end of 2016 we have now worked in 21 countries!

Looking in to our portfolio we have worked with more than 300 projects in 21 countries in 4 different continents:

  1. Sweden
  2. Denmark
  3. Finland
  4. Germany
  5. Switzerland
  6. Belgium
  7. Netherlands
  8. France
  9. Spain
  10. Czech Republic
  11. Lithuania
  12. Italy
  13. England
  14. Ireland
  15. Scotland
  16. Romania
  17. Israel
  18. Kuwait
  19. Indonesia
  20. Mexico
  21. Colombia

The forecast for 2017, projects that we already signed, shows that we will work in 3-5 new countries. Quite amazing development and we are thrilled to take steps and by learning all the new challenges that come with the new assignments.  We trampoline for water are a small company doing our best to serve big companies in an even bigger world!

With this said – we wish you all – our customers all over the world, our great co-workers and all associated partners in Sweden and other countries – a fantastic Happy New Year 2017! Let us make good become great!


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